addEventListener('fetch', event => {
async function handleRequest(request) {
// Clone the request to prevent issues with body being already read
const requestClone = request.clone()
// Get the original URL
const url = new URL(request.url)
// Modify the path to remove '/ss' prefix
const newPath = url.pathname.replace(/^\/ss/, '')
// Construct the new URL
const targetUrl = '' + newPath +
// Create a new request to the target URL with added headers
const modifiedRequest = new Request(targetUrl, {
method: requestClone.method,
headers: new Headers({
'X-Forwarded-Host': '' // Add the X-Forwarded-Host header
body: requestClone.body,
redirect: 'follow'
// Fetch the response from the target URL
const response = await fetch(modifiedRequest)
// Return the response back to the client
return response